One of my favorite bands, The Killers! Again i am trying to build a portfolio with famous faces and these guys have some pretty funny mugs. Hopefully this will keep me posting.
I had so much fun with my last Illustration Friday assignment I decided to do another one in the same style. He's training for a fight, maybe. Anyway, to anyone looking, I hope you enjoy it. I'm hoping to do someone recognizable next!
I know it has been awhile and I will promise, again, to be better at completing these illustrations. I am trying out a new style that's a little more graphic. The topic, "Shaky," made me think of an old man. For some variety, I thought his mind could be a little shaky as opposed to his body.
I have been working on a project for the Monterey Bay Aquarium and this is an image that for a "fleeting" moment I thought would make it. I was wrong, so here it is for you to enjoy!
Another glorious Illustration Friday Subject and with the addition of a four legged friend to our family comes this illustration. It is all he can do to fight his natural, "instinct(s)" and not chew on objects left on the floor, so he barks and growls madly at them. I gotta keep drawing!